© 2012-2024 Knights of Columbus-Incarnation Council #15332
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Our Parish Church
Church of the Incarnation
2929 Bee Ridge Road
Sarasota, FL 34239
Officer Installation Jewels
Officer Installation
September 17, 2011
Grand Knight Dave
Altwies and His Wife
Marty at Officer
Installation Ceremony
September 17, 2011
Deputy Grand Knight
Steve Christie, His Wife
Peggy and Council
Chaplain Rev. Mike
Scheip at Officer
Installation Dinner
September 17, 2011
August Knight of the
Month, Financial
Secretary Charlie Culkin
with Grand Knight
Dave Altwies
Second Degree
Recipients Mike Clayton,
John Duggan & Art Reilly
Second Degree Recipient
John Duggan with His
Dad PGK Jim Duggan
Attending the Funeral of a
Service Veteran, who is
indigent, at Sarasota
National Cemetary
Attending the Funeral of a
Service Veteran, who is
indigent, at Sarasota
National Cemetary
Chancellor Deacon John
Crescitelli with Marty
Altwies at Officer
September 17, 2011